How does Weight Loss Surgery Work?

A chronic disease that threatens your health and necessitates long-term control is known medically as obesity. Numerous drugs, gadgets, and procedures can help you lose weight. Bariatric surgery, metabolic surgery, and weight loss surgery are all terms used to describe processes that change your appetite and/or digestive system to help you lose weight.

Typically, only adults have bariatric surgery. Except for those who are severely obese (with a BMI of at least 35) and have a problem related to their weight, it is generally not advised for teenagers. You will receive a fundamental review of the three various weight reduction surgery kinds in this post. Continue reading to learn more!

How does a weight loss surgery work?

There are multiple treatment options you can consider. These metabolic and bariatric procedures, as they are known to doctors, come in a variety of forms. They operate in the following ways:

  • Reduce the amount of food you can fit in your stomach to help you eat less and get in shape.
  • Stop some of the calories and nutrients in the food you eat from being absorbed by your digestive system.
  • Alter or eliminate regions of the stomach that produce hunger hormones.
  • All of the methods mentioned above.

What are the different types of weight loss surgeries?

In most nations, three main weight loss (or bariatric) procedures are being carried out. They are sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, and adjustable gastric bands.

Each procedure has advantages and disadvantages, and none of them is a quick or easy way to lose weight. Surgery is only a tool to help with the weight loss process; in order to get the best outcomes from any procedure, you still need to stick to a diet and exercise plan.

You must have a BMI (body mass index) larger than 40 or a BMI greater than 35 with co-morbid conditions, which means you must also have other medical disorders, such as heart disease, in addition to a high BMI to be a candidate for weight loss surgery.

Gastric Bypass- What to know

The longest-practiced of the three operations, gastric bypass surgery, has been done for more than 20 years. The surgeon makes an incision across the top of the stomach to form a pouch about the size of a walnut.

The pouch is then connected to the small intestine by the surgeon, allowing food to pass through the stomach and go straight into the small intestine. Since gastric bypass is a combination treatment, it lowers both food absorption (also known as “malabsorption”) and portion size.

Pros: Most people lose weight quickly and dramatically. Approximately half of it occurs in the first six months. It could last for up to two years following the procedure. Obesity-related diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, sleep apnea, and heartburn frequently improve quickly as a result of rapid weight loss.

Long-term outcomes with gastric bypass are also favourable. According to studies, many people maintain their weight loss for ten years or longer.

Cons: Because you won’t be able to absorb meals as well as you once did, you run the danger of not getting enough nutrients, which could result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Osteoporosis and anemia may result from the loss of calcium and iron. You’ll need to use vitamins and watch what you eat extremely carefully for the rest of your life.

Gastric Sleeve surgery- What to know

The sleeve gastrectomy (also known as gastric sleeve surgery), which has only recently received FDA approval, entails a surgeon cutting 80 to 85 percent of the stomach and then adhering the remaining stomach tissue together. You are only allowed to eat a certain amount of food while undergoing this restrictive process.

Pros: A sleeve gastrectomy is a straightforward, risk-free procedure that offers you a lower-risk method of weight loss. You can have a second operation, such as a gastric bypass, if necessary after losing weight and your health has improved, typically taking 12 to 18 months.

A sleeve gastrectomy doesn’t impact how your body absorbs food, so you won’t likely lack essential nutrients because it doesn’t damage your intestines.
Cons: A sleeve gastrectomy cannot be undone.

Gastric Banding- What to know

To conclude- Which weight loss surgery would be best for me?

You must consider your health and body type, before you choose the best weight loss procedure. For instance, simpler operations might not be an option if you are extremely obese or if you’ve previously had stomach surgery. It is best to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure with your doctor.

Visit a medical facility that specializes in metabolic and bariatric surgery, if at all possible. Expert weight loss surgery reduces the risk of complications. It is important to always check to see how much experience your surgeon has performed the treatment you require.


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